Dear Readers
Thank you for all your entries for the May 2006 Free Angel Card Reading monthly Draw. For those who have sent me special notes and comments, please know that I appreciate them very much.
Please Note: You only have to enter once, as all entries are kept on file. If you have questions, comments or feedback about your angel readings, please share them! Send your feedback to or simply post a message.
Love & Light
Friday, June 09, 2006
Thank You - Free Angel Card Reading Draw
Posted by
Your Angels Say
10:13 AM
Labels: Free Angel Reading Draw
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Little Sophie walks out of hospital
Burns survivor Sophie Delezio has walked out of hospital, almost five weeks after she was hit by a car on a Sydney pedestrian crossing.
Clutching her parents' hands, the beaming five-year-old was dressed in a pink fairy dress and held a small pink sweet!
Hugs & kisses from all the people in Australia, Sophie!
Posted by
Your Angels Say
8:00 PM
Labels: Prayers, sick children
Monday, June 05, 2006
How The Angels Can Clear Your Way While You Are Travelling
This past weekend I was once again reminded of the presence of angels and how they can assist us in our daily activities - not once, but 3 times!
Miracle Number One
Last Thursday morning I flew to Melbourne with the "red eye" flight (the early morning flight) to go and visit family. My husband had work to do in Sydney and he was going to meet my daughter and I in Melbourne Friday night after work.
It was such a rush to get our baby ready so early in the morning and make our way to the airport. We were just in time to check in and board. I still wanted to draw some money, but there was no time for that.
I usually ask for an isle seat so that I can walk around with my baby when she gets restless. As I walked up the steps at the back of the aircraft I realized that I never asked for the isle seat and as I stepped onto the aircraft the flight attendant read my boarding pass and said "your seat is a window seat to your right". My heart sank into my feet with disappointment. We sat down and as I took all the toys out of the baby bag, I said a silent prayer to ask Archangel Raphael to keep her calm during the flight.
Not long after I have said the prayer, there was an announcement that we were ready to leave and to my surprise we had two empty seats next to us! We had a lovely flight, my baby was calm and happily played on the empty seats next to us. We had the whole row to ourselves!
Miracle Number Two
When we got to Melbourne airport I collected the luggage and dragged it to seats close to the baggage collection area. As other mums would know, it is usually a big trek with a baby and I could barely mange all the luggage items, as I was carrying my baby. My suitcase kept on falling over each time we stopped and I knew that I had to get a trolley. I checked my purse to see if I had $3 change to get one, but to my disappointment I did not have enough money on me. I scanned the room for an ATM, but there was not one in sight! I would have had to drag all the stuff with me to another level to draw money and it was too difficult for me to do that.
I scanned the room and visually located all the trolley bays in the room. I was looking for an abandoned trolley that was not locked into the trolley bay. I cannot recall ever seeing an abandoned trolley in the arrivals area in Melbourne, but I looked anyway.
On the opposite side of the baggage collection area I saw a trolley in front of the trolley bay that was not locked in. I waited a minute or so to see if it belonged to somebody, but it didn't and at that moment I bolted across the room (leaving my luggage behind) to grab the trolley.
I was very grateful for this trolley and thanked my angels for providing it to me against all the odds of actually finding one that was not locked in. This was really a much needed miracle that morning.
Miracle Number Three
On our return to the Gold Coast the flight was very full and the airline we used does not use a seat allocation system. So you have to sit where you find empty seats. Despite the full flight we had an empty seat in our row. Our baby could crawl from my seat to my husband's seat and we had a peaceful journey home.
I don't believe that it was just pure luck or a coincidence - it happened three times in one weekend!
These small miracles happen to us on a regular basis and we have to be open to the possibility that it can happen to us. If not, they will go unnoticed, making us feel abandoned by Heaven, questioning God and whether He actually answers our prayers.
I thank my angels for clearing the way for us like this and for assisting us during every step of our journey.
Please write to me and let me know if you have had similar experiences. You can share your experiences with others by simply posting a message at the end of this message.
Love & Light
Posted by
Your Angels Say
6:50 PM
Labels: Small Miracles
May 2006 Free Angel Card Reading
The May Free Angel Card Reading goes to F of Ireland. Congratulations and may this reading bring many blessings to you!
Love & Light
Posted by
Your Angels Say
7:00 AM
Labels: Free Angel Reading Draw