I have been meaning to clean and declutter my office now for the last 2 days. This morning I sat down to do the Daily Angel Reading and behold, the Angels also decided it's time for space clearing!
The Angels did whisper in my ear to declutter and I have heard their message, but I failed to take action. I was too busy to fully "hear" the importance of their message, so they decided to give me another sign and confirmation that I really have to take action and do this straight away. Thank you Archangel Johpiel for making me see and listen to your message!
Clutter can erode your creativity, prosperity and energy. So if your creativity took a dive recently, pay attention to today's message from Archangel Jopiel.
Love & Light
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Clear Your Space - Archangel Jophiel
Posted by
Your Angels Say
7:30 AM
Labels: Space Clearing
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Are Angel Readings From the Devil (a sin)?
I received the following question from a client yesterday: "I have my reservations about angel readings. We are not suppose to know what the future holds for us. Is it sinful to get an angel reading?"
This is a very interesting question and I will try to clarify a few issues to the best of my ability.
I have been brought up in a mainstream Christian church that basically taught us that you are not allowed to ask questions about the future (this includes angel readings, psychic readings, etc.) and that you should have faith in God. Now, there is nothing wrong with this teaching and the church is correct. In fact, the church is teaching you and me not to worry about tomorrow, live in the here and now and be grateful for what who have.
What I do have a problem with is the fact that people in spiritual professions outside the mainstream church doctrine is vilified. In some instances ministers even go as far to say that angel readings and other spiritual professions are of the devil (Yes, this actually does happen!). Herein lies the problem. It is statements like these that cause a lot of guilt and emotional anguish for those who have sought advice from angel readings.
Questioning and spiritual development forms the foundation of our faith. As you grow spiritually, you start to question your faith and you wonder how this "faith thing" all works. There is absolutely nothing wrong with questioning religious doctrines and philosophies. It is a completely natural and healthy part of spiritual and personal growth and development. If you don't question things and blindly accept a doctrine you have been taught, you are no different from the people in the dark ages.
In the dark ages the church did not want people to ask questions and they wanted to keep the mainstream population uneducated. Only the privileged few could study the bible and its teachings. Those who dared to ask questions and proposed alternative views to mainstream doctrine were burned at the stake!
Now, lets get to the real issue. I will answer the question by putting a few questions to you and then you can make up your own mind.
- Is it a sin to seek help and guidance from a counselor?
- Is it a sin to seek help and guidance from a psychologist?
- Is it a sin to seek help and guidance from your church minister?
If not, why then is it wrong to seek help and guidance from the angels who are messengers of God through an angel card reading? What is the difference?
All of the above-mentioned professions addresses behaviour. Our behaviour affects other people around us and our thought patterns deeply affects our state of mind and our health. These professionals help and guide us through difficult times in our lives so that we can "see the light at the end of the tunnel" again. They help us to gain perspective of our lives.
You might say "Yeh, but angel readings predict predict the future, besides they use cards and that is the problem"!
Think carefully about what you have said - the question/statement is saying that you believe that your future is set in stone and that you are not in control of your life and your destiny. It is saying that you have a very fatalistic approach to live.
I want you to remember the following:
- God has created us in His image
- We are the children of God
- God wants us to shine our light in the world and work towards peace
- God wants us to be happy
- We are able to think, speak and reason, that is why He gave us a brain!
- We have a choice of how we are going to react in all circumstances in our lives, right?
In a practical sense all the choices we make each day have either a positive or negative impact on ourselves or others. We sometimes make choices coming from our ego and not from a place of love. If a person for example make choices from the ego (not love), it may have a negative imact on a relationship, ending in separation. If that same person chose to act in love, give his/her partner unconditional love, etc this person effectively changed the outcome of the relationship, thereby influencing and changing their own future (staying together or divorce). Does this make sense? So did this person act in a sinful way because he/she made a choice about how they were going to treat their partner? Of course not!
- Angel readings are no different from any other profession that addresses behavioural issues.
- Angel messages are from God and the reader is merely a vessel that conveys the message to you in a simple format so that you can understand the guidance.
- Angel Intuitives and Angel Card Readers are lightworkers, that means that they work towards bringing love and peace (light) into world. They are not devil worshippers and don't practice black magic.
- Angel messages are given to you with love and without any judgment. We are all children of God and we are all equal before him.
- Angel readings does not predict your future. It assists you to make loving choices in your life that serves you.
- Angel readings respect your free will. Only you can have an impact on the future through the choices you make.
- The Angels also teaches you (just like the mainstream church doctrine) to live in the here and now, live in love, don't worry about tomorrow, have faith in God (Divine Will and Divine Timing), count your blessings and to forgive those who have wronged you in the past.
Food for thought, isn't it?
Love & Light
Posted by
Your Angels Say
9:30 AM
Labels: FAQ's