Dear Readers,
I received the following e-mail message early yesterday morning and I ask that you all pray for baby Joséphine and her family. Please send them lots of love and healing light. Our collective prayers, faith and thoughts can create a miracle to heal this little baby.
"Joséphine Marie-Adèle Ouellette was born July 11th at 7:26 pm. Sheweighed 8 lbs 4 oz and measured 20.5 inches in length.
Joséphine's umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck three times when she was born. As she did not start breathing on her own, she was given oxygen immediately after birth and was then transferred to the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto.
Our baby is gravely ill and only a miracle will save her. We have been praying continuously for her that Jesus will heal her. Please pray for her for us. Please forward this email message to anyone you know who would like to pray for her. The more people we have praying for her and believing in a miracle, the more likely she will be healed.
We will not have access to e-mail, but you can be sure we'll receive your prayers.
Andria, Marc, Célia, and Joséphine"
Love & LightVictoria