Saturday, August 18, 2007

Daily Angel Reading: Take Back Your Power!

"Use your God-given power and intention to manifest blessings in your life".

Archangel Raziel

Friday, August 17, 2007

New Website Finally Finished!

Yes, I have finally done it! As many of you know, my website has been targeted by spammers and to top it all, my ISP crashed as well. 40 000 of us had to look for new ISPs.

With the help of Heaven I finally had the courage to rewrite the site and to get it back on line. Some of my customers emailed me to ask what happened and why they couldn't access my site. To those of you who couldn't find me I would like to offer my sincere apologies. With my tight schedule and very busy toddler I found it hard to glue my bum to the seat and write. And when I finally sat down my little angel decided to help her mummy by pushing the keys on the keyboard. The sleep button is her favourite. Must be the moon on the key that attracts her attention!

Not much has changed. The site looks and feels the same the following changes might be of interest to you:

  • I no longer provide free monthly angel readings, as this was the weak point of the site and the focus of the spammers. I may reintroduce it later after I have sought advice from an IT specialist.

  • I have also changed the fee structure. I no longer charge per question, but rather by the hour. This is what most professional people do and I have decided to do the same, as one question could potentially take just as long to answer than 2 or 3 questions. I have to go with the flow during these readings and I am in no position to stop the angels during a session and say "times is up - the client only paid for 1 question!". It is my job to deliver a complete message to you. Most readings take on average an hour, but I have also included a 30 minute and 10 minute option for those of you who prefer to have a shorter session.

You are in no way disadvantaged by the new fee structure. You still get the same in-depth readings (maximum 3 questions) with a full email report, just like in the old days. My regular clients are usually amazed with the detail and a typical reading can be up to 5 written pages - single spacing!

Love & Light
