Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Spiritual Understanding
Posted by
Your Angels Say
9:04 AM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Monday, December 10, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Peace
Archangel Chamuel
Posted by
Your Angels Say
4:38 PM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Friday, December 07, 2007
Free Wealth Creation DVD
Millionaires use simple proven strategies to create wealth. You can be wealthy too - it is "all in the mind"!
I have come across a free DVD to kick-start your journey to financial independence.
I have selected the DVD of Jamie, as he is a humble man who focuses on spiritual growth and emotional intelligence in his teachings.
QLD Self-Made Millionaire & Young Australian of the Year nominee in 1999, Jamie McIntyre, was $150,000 in debt when he discovered the financial secrets of the rich.
“Anyone can learn & put these strategies into action"
Unfortunately most people are stuck in a cycle of working hard, paying bills & saving hard & not getting far financially, but there is a way for anyone to become rich.
Click Here For A Free DVD on Wealth Creation!
Posted by
Your Angels Say
2:04 PM
Labels: Wealth Mastery
Free E-Minis DVD
I have come across a great DVD called "How To Trade E-Minis - How Investors Can Make - US$500 to US$1,000 A Night Trading The E-Minis Market, Starting With As Little As $2000" .
The E-Minis DVD teaches you the following:
- What are E-minis and why trading them has become so popular?
- A step-by-step, simple, powerful and precise winning strategy.
- How to achieve success in live simulated trading before trading with money.
- How to trade professionally full or part time, anytime, anywhere.
- How to succeed with 100% online interactive training.
I have found this DVD extremely valuable. You can get a FREE DVD like I recently did, but hurry as the offer is likely to be free for a limited time only. Click here to read more or to order the Free E-minis Global DVD.
Posted by
Your Angels Say
1:54 PM
Labels: Wealth Mastery
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Relationship Harmony
Posted by
Your Angels Say
8:28 AM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Monday, November 05, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Divine Order
Posted by
Your Angels Say
9:08 PM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Clairsentience
Posted by
Your Angels Say
3:22 PM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Sensitivity
"You are extra-sensitive to energies and emotions right now. Honor yourself and your feelings".
Archangel Haniel
Posted by
Your Angels Say
8:33 AM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Brilliant Idea!
Posted by
Your Angels Say
8:37 AM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Monday, October 29, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Sensitivity
Archangel Haniel
Posted by
Your Angels Say
8:15 AM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Crystal-Clear Intentions
Posted by
Your Angels Say
9:30 PM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Compassion
Posted by
Your Angels Say
8:32 PM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Crystal Clear Intentions
Posted by
Your Angels Say
7:57 PM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Indigo and Crystal Children
Posted by
Your Angels Say
8:23 PM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Chakra Clearing
Posted by
Your Angels Say
2:46 PM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Patience
Posted by
Your Angels Say
6:10 AM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Breathe
Posted by
Your Angels Say
9:24 PM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
The Jesus Tomb
The Lost Tomb of Jesus - My take
I have watched to The Lost Tomb of Jesus documentary film by Simcha Jacobovici and James Cameron and also the Sixty minutes story of Tara Brown (transcript available at http://sixtyminutes.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=291313)
I agree that it is a shattering discovery and I can understand that this discovery may test the faith of millions of people. I can also understand why it has upset so many Christians around the world. It does question the foundation of many people's religion and their belief in the resurrection. However, for me personally, it makes no difference what so ever. I do believe in the resurrection not in the physical sense, but a spiritual sense. Therefore the discovery does not change my beliefs at all.
The fact that the tomb of Jesus has been found - I believe that there is a strong possibility that this can be his family tomb - should be celebrated. It confirms to those who don't believe in Jesus that his existence was in fact real and that the Jesus story is not just a myth. It is wonderful!
In addition, he was a great teacher sent to us in human form and the fact that he may have been married to Mary Magdalene and even had a son sounds pretty normal to me and it would have been perceived to be normal in his days too.
This discovery had the opposite effect on me. It actually strengthened my faith.
What I did find alarming about the documentary was the fact that the tomb has been discovered so long ago and kept secret all these years.
What is your take on this?
Love & Light
Posted by
Your Angels Say
7:42 PM
Labels: The Jesus Tomb
Daily Angel Reading: Remember Who You Are
"You are a powerful, loving, and creative child of God. You are very loved.
Archangel Michael
Posted by
Your Angels Say
7:35 PM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Peace
Posted by
Your Angels Say
8:59 PM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Clairsentience
Posted by
Your Angels Say
8:25 PM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Brilliant Idea!
Posted by
Your Angels Say
4:42 PM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Victory!
Posted by
Your Angels Say
6:00 AM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Life Review
Posted by
Your Angels Say
7:04 PM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Daily Angel Message: You Know What To Do
Posted by
Your Angels Say
2:26 PM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Chakra Clearing
Posted by
Your Angels Say
9:15 AM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Monday, September 17, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Sensitivity
Posted by
Your Angels Say
6:15 AM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: You Know What To Do
Posted by
Your Angels Say
7:56 PM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Crystal Clear Intentions
Posted by
Your Angels Say
9:07 PM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Friday, September 14, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Success!
Posted by
Your Angels Say
6:00 AM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Relationship Harmony
Posted by
Your Angels Say
5:15 PM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Brilliant Idea!
Posted by
Your Angels Say
6:00 AM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Do You Work For A Bully?
Have you ever been the victim of bullying at work?
I have been bullied in the workplace and some of my friends have recently been bullied by their bosses, so I decided to do a bit of research on the topic.
I stumbled upon an excellent article called "Psycho bosses on the loose. Are you in their line of fire? by Hillary Freeman of the Guardian, dated Saturday March 10, 2001. http://www.guardian.co.uk/Archive/Article/0,4273,4149556,00.html
The mere thought of a "psyco" boss sounds absurd, but believe me - they exist and I have have had the pleasure to work for one!
When I read Hillary's article, I found myself nodding my head and saying "yes!" when I read about a behaviour I have witnessed myself.
She writes: "Any perceived 'vulnerability' can be enough to make you a target - even if it's just your need for secure employment. In fact, the majority of people who come to me with accounts of being bullied are popular and good at their jobs. The highest performers are targeted so the bully can take credit for their achievements.
This is very true and if your boss don't know what your "vulnerability" is, they will charm other staff into disclosing that type of information or they may even ask you in person. One of my bosses tried extract my "weakness" from me personally by asking me "why do you work?". When I gave a stupid answer like "to have a warm cup of coffee while my todler is in day care", she kept pressuring me for a proper answer and then tried to lay words in my mouth by saying "to get some job satisfaction?". So you have to be alert and divert the attention away from yourself and don't let them put words into your mouth. By not responding to their suggestions they may actually believe that they have pinpointed your "weakness".
Hillary gives another piece of advice: "If you think your manager is a psychopath the only thing I can advise is to get out before the damage is done. The more you recognise them for what they are the more you'll become a target."
Please let us know what youth thoughts are and what advice you can give to others who face this very stressful situation in their lives.
Love & Light
Posted by
Your Angels Say
5:30 PM
Labels: Bully Bosses
Daily Angel Reading: Relationship Harmony
Posted by
Your Angels Say
8:39 AM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Victory!
Posted by
Your Angels Say
8:25 PM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Sensitivity
Posted by
Your Angels Say
8:47 PM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Victory!
Posted by
Your Angels Say
8:05 PM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Daily Angel Reading: All Is Well
Posted by
Your Angels Say
12:01 AM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Victory!
Posted by
Your Angels Say
8:41 PM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Prosperity
Posted by
Your Angels Say
8:04 PM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Clairvoyance
Posted by
Your Angels Say
6:00 AM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Monday, August 27, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Clear Your Space
Posted by
Your Angels Say
7:06 PM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Prioritize
Posted by
Your Angels Say
3:12 PM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
How Do You Do An Angel Reading or What Rituals Do You Follow?
I think you may be disappointed with my answer! I don't do anything weird or what some of you may consider as mystical. I don't have a crystal ball, don't burn incense (it gives me hay fever!), don't sit in a dark room and I don't even play meditation music when I do the readings. I prefer silence. I have experimented with incense, music etc, but I find it very distracting. Boring, hey?
The reason for this is simple. I am a mum, wife and professional person who lives in suburbs. I have grown up in a very conservative Christian community and in some ways my background has influenced my "ritual". Ritual is a very personal thing and there are no right or wrongs when it comes to these issues. Every person or reader develops their own unique ways of connecting with the Devine. Mine is simple and I have been doing it since I was a child.
Another reason why I prefer to keep it simple is that you don't always have all your "tools" with you to do a reading. I work with left brain scientists and I often do energy work to improve relationships in the office, manifest opportunities, etc. Lighting a candle or incense every time I do the energy work will probably get me into trouble! Talking to the angels has become a normal part of my day and I simply don't need all the paraphernalia to create the perfect environment for a conversation with the Angels. They are always there and we can talk to them whenever we want. They are never too busy to help us.
Now the ritual you asked about...
I centre myself and start all readings with a prayer. I call upon God, (Father, Son & Holy Spirit) and all the angels of Heaven and my own angels to assist in the reading. I also pray for protection of my property, house, family, my client and ask that that everybody and everything is protected with God's Divine white light.
I focus on your questions ask for clear guidance from Heaven and assistance to deliver the message to you in way that will resonate with you so that it may bring you physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing, balance, harmony and well-being.
When I feel ready, I lay out the cards, read and interpret them and then type your email report.
I always thank God and His/Her angels for their assistance at the end of the reading.
I then clear my mind and cut the etheric cord that developed between you and me in our brief spiritual encounter.
Love & Light
Posted by
Your Angels Say
3:04 PM
Labels: FAQ's
Friday, August 24, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Healthy Lifestyle
Posted by
Your Angels Say
8:51 PM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Thursday, August 23, 2007
The Secret and Weight Loss - My Take
After I dropped my daughter off at day care yesterday, I stopped at McDonalds for a quiet cup of coffee to reflect on the day that lied ahead. I often do this before I start the tasks of the day.
I ordered my coffee and sat down at a small table. Opposite me was a lady and her daugher having breakfast. I give you one guess what the breakfast was...not a bacon and egg McMuffin, but cheescake!
As I quietly sipped on my coffee, I thought about The Secret and how the author used the secret to loose weight. She said that she stopped thinking fat thoughts, lost weight and that she now can eat anything she likes.
If only it was so simple! The cheescake lady was fairly large and I found myself wondering how this will work and how fast applying The Secret will work when you are already overweight.
Ever since I have read The Secret and watched the DVD, something bothered me about the whole thing (a story for another blog) and I could not lay my finger on it straight away.
I do believe in the Law of Atrraction, but I also know that it is not the only universal spiritual law. There are many others and they don't operate in isolation. The universe is after all a perfect example of balance. I am gravely concerned about pop psychology and the possible damage it can do to people that don't have a grounding in spiritual principles. According to The Secret, you attract the weight and obesity to you through your thoughts and emotions. By implication you can only blame yourself if you are overweight and you can radically change the way you look through your thoughts.
Therein lies my concern. According to The Secret, you should take responsibility for your thoughts by thinking thin thoughts and then you can eat what you want. That is nonsense! God has given us a brain and the freedom of choice and therefore we have an obligation to use it. Thinking thin thoughts is only the start of transforming your body, especially if you have lots of kilos to loose. It is one of many baby steps you take reach your goal of sustainable weight loss and a stable weight.
You have the power to make healthy choices in your life. It is not a question of thinking thin thoughts, but rather thinking healthy thoughts and taking the necessary action to live a healthy life. This means that we must use our will power to choose a healthy life. Once you have made this choice you are ready to take the necessary action to eat healthy food, exercise, be mindful of how your food was produced and where it comes from (e.g. did the animals you are eating suffer at any stage?) and to choose food without chemicals. Our bodies don't cope with the chemicals in processed food. Healthy habits naturally reduces body fat and weight.
The combination of the Law of Atrraction and taking action is actually the secret to sustainable weight los. It is all about balance. If you eat healthy 90% of the time, you should be able to loose those extra kilos. Maybe that was exactly what the cheescake lady did yesterday morning!
Posted by
Your Angels Say
7:30 AM
Labels: Book Reviews
Daily Angel Reading: Passion
Posted by
Your Angels Say
7:00 AM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Life Review
Posted by
Your Angels Say
10:39 PM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Overcoming Difficulties
Posted by
Your Angels Say
7:00 AM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Monday, August 20, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Breathe
Posted by
Your Angels Say
8:56 PM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Daily Angel Reading: Take Back Your Power!
"Use your God-given power and intention to manifest blessings in your life".
Archangel Raziel
Posted by
Your Angels Say
4:46 PM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Friday, August 17, 2007
New Website Finally Finished!
Yes, I have finally done it! As many of you know, my website has been targeted by spammers and to top it all, my ISP crashed as well. 40 000 of us had to look for new ISPs.
With the help of Heaven I finally had the courage to rewrite the site and to get it back on line. Some of my customers emailed me to ask what happened and why they couldn't access my site. To those of you who couldn't find me I would like to offer my sincere apologies. With my tight schedule and very busy toddler I found it hard to glue my bum to the seat and write. And when I finally sat down my little angel decided to help her mummy by pushing the keys on the keyboard. The sleep button is her favourite. Must be the moon on the key that attracts her attention!
Not much has changed. The site looks and feels the same the following changes might be of interest to you:
- I no longer provide free monthly angel readings, as this was the weak point of the site and the focus of the spammers. I may reintroduce it later after I have sought advice from an IT specialist.
- I have also changed the fee structure. I no longer charge per question, but rather by the hour. This is what most professional people do and I have decided to do the same, as one question could potentially take just as long to answer than 2 or 3 questions. I have to go with the flow during these readings and I am in no position to stop the angels during a session and say "times is up - the client only paid for 1 question!". It is my job to deliver a complete message to you. Most readings take on average an hour, but I have also included a 30 minute and 10 minute option for those of you who prefer to have a shorter session.
You are in no way disadvantaged by the new fee structure. You still get the same in-depth readings (maximum 3 questions) with a full email report, just like in the old days. My regular clients are usually amazed with the detail and a typical reading can be up to 5 written pages - single spacing!
Love & Light