"Your material needs are provided as your follow your intuition and manifest your dreams into reality."
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Daily Angel Reading: Prosperity
"Your material needs are provided as your follow your intuition and manifest your dreams into reality."
Posted by
Your Angels Say
9:30 AM
Labels: Daily Angel Reading
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Results: August Free Angel Reading Draw
The August Free Angel Card Reading goes to Denise of South Africa. Congratulations and may this reading bring many blessings to your life!
Love & Light
Posted by
Your Angels Say
8:14 PM
Labels: Free Angel Reading Draw
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Results: July Free Angel Reading Draw
The July Free Angel Card Reading goes to Rebecca of Australia. Congratulations and may this reading bring many blessings to your life!
Love & Light
Posted by
Your Angels Say
7:01 PM
Labels: Free Angel Reading Draw
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Baby Joséphine Marie-Adèle Ouellette - With Jesus
Thank You For Your Support & Prayers During The Last 17 Days
I would like to share this email with everybody that prayed for Joséphine and her family over the last 17 days. Thank you so much for your prayers and support. May this email bring peace to others who are currently suffering from an illness or who have children that are suffering of an illness or has passed on.
Andria, Marc, Célia, and Joséphine has been through so much during the last 17 days and yet, they find peace in knowing that somehow this experience is all according Divine Planning and Divine Timing. Although we are unable to see and understand why this has happend, we take comfort in the fact that there is a Divine reason behind it all.
"We'd like to start by thanking everyone for your thoughts, prayers, love, and support for us, and especially for Joséphine. We could not possibly have imagined how supportive everyone would be; we are truly blessed to have such caring family and friends. We'd like to pass along our sincerest thanks to everyone -- you made a great difference in our lives, and in Joséphine's, and we will always remember and treasure this.
It is with very deep sorrow that we bring you the saddest of news: on Friday night (July 28th), around 8pm, Joséphine Marie-Adèle Ouellette left us after a very courageous 17 day battle with her devastating injuries. She died peacefully in our arms, surrounded by our love and prayers; our little angel is now in Heaven. We're sure that she knew how much we, and so many other people, loved her, prayed for her, and cared for her.
Within 24 hours of her birth, we learned that Joséphine had suffered a severe brain injury (due to a lack of oxygen that most likely occurred during the final stages of delivery), and damage to many vital organs, and that there was nothing that could be done medically to heal her. On her second day, we were told that her body was beginning to shut down, that she was dying, and that she likely only had about 12-24 hours to live.
Over the course of the next two weeks, we saw some miraculous improvements in Joséphine. Her body began to recover: her circulation improved, she began to move more and more, she began to breathe on her own well enough that she no longer required a ventilator (using only a nasal CPAP to keep her lungs open), and she was able to be fed her mother's milk through a feeding tube.
We will always be thankful for getting these extra two weeks with her, to be able to hold her, to sing to her, and to let her know how much we loved her. We truly believe that all the love and prayers for Joséphine made this possible.
Unfortunately, Thursday afternoon (July 27th), she started to struggle, slowly declined, and passed away Friday night. She spent her last day in our arms, as we took turns rocking and comforting her.
Joséphine was with us for 17 unforgettable days. We were praying for the miracle of her complete recovery, but we know we were granted the miracle of getting to know her, to be with her, and to love her so deeply for these 17 wonderful days. We wouldn't trade this time for anything.
We miss her so much and are very saddened that she is no longer with us, but we are also at peace. Joséphine brought us such peace and serenity whenever we were with her, she deepened our faith, and she touched the lives of so many people. We will never know why she had to leave us so early, but we trust that this is part of God's greater plan.
In our time at the Hospital for Sick Children, we saw a lot of critically ill babies and their overwhelmed families. In Joséphine's memory, we'd like to ask that you include them in your thoughts and prayers."
Andria, Marc, Célia, and Joséphine (who will always be with us)
PS Please visit www.whockey.com/am for upcoming details of the
visitations/funeral, and for *photos* of our beautiful little angel.
Love & Light
Posted by
Your Angels Say
9:37 AM
Labels: Prayers, sick children
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Update: Baby Joséphine Marie-Adèle Ouellette
Joséphine is a perfect little girl with a will to live stronger than we can imagine. She has a small tube down her nose to assist her breathing and at times, she breaths on her own. Her feeding tube is fed through her umbilical cord area. Aside from that, she looks like any healthy baby. Her parents spend time massaging her little body and on Friday she started moving and stretching. Yey! There's progress everyday her Marc and Andria believe in the power of prayer and ask that all of us who think of them, keep praying for miracles. Doctors were concerned about kidney failure, but Joséphine's body is functioning now. Love & Light Victoria
Posted by
Your Angels Say
8:13 AM
Labels: Prayers, sick children
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Please Pray for Baby Joséphine Marie-Adèle Ouellette: Toronto, Canada
Dear Readers,
I received the following e-mail message early yesterday morning and I ask that you all pray for baby Joséphine and her family. Please send them lots of love and healing light. Our collective prayers, faith and thoughts can create a miracle to heal this little baby.
"Joséphine Marie-Adèle Ouellette was born July 11th at 7:26 pm. Sheweighed 8 lbs 4 oz and measured 20.5 inches in length.
Joséphine's umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck three times when she was born. As she did not start breathing on her own, she was given oxygen immediately after birth and was then transferred to the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto.
Our baby is gravely ill and only a miracle will save her. We have been praying continuously for her that Jesus will heal her. Please pray for her for us. Please forward this email message to anyone you know who would like to pray for her. The more people we have praying for her and believing in a miracle, the more likely she will be healed.
We will not have access to e-mail, but you can be sure we'll receive your prayers.
Andria, Marc, Célia, and Joséphine"
Love & LightVictoria
Posted by
Your Angels Say
6:11 AM
Labels: Prayers, sick children
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Website Forms - Server Problems
Dear Clients,
If you are currently experiencing any problems completing the forms on www.yourangelssay.com, and wish to contact me, please send me an email with your details. I will get back to you via email. My service provider is experiencing some problems at the moment with the processing of the forms.
Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience.
Kind Regards,
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Results: June Free Angel Reading Draw
The June Free Angel Card Reading goes to F. C. of the USA. Congratulations and may this reading bring many blessings to your life!
Love & Light
Posted by
Your Angels Say
11:49 AM
Labels: Free Angel Reading Draw
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Clear Your Space - Archangel Jophiel
I have been meaning to clean and declutter my office now for the last 2 days. This morning I sat down to do the Daily Angel Reading and behold, the Angels also decided it's time for space clearing!
The Angels did whisper in my ear to declutter and I have heard their message, but I failed to take action. I was too busy to fully "hear" the importance of their message, so they decided to give me another sign and confirmation that I really have to take action and do this straight away. Thank you Archangel Johpiel for making me see and listen to your message!
Clutter can erode your creativity, prosperity and energy. So if your creativity took a dive recently, pay attention to today's message from Archangel Jopiel.
Love & Light
Posted by
Your Angels Say
7:30 AM
Labels: Space Clearing
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Are Angel Readings From the Devil (a sin)?
I received the following question from a client yesterday: "I have my reservations about angel readings. We are not suppose to know what the future holds for us. Is it sinful to get an angel reading?"
This is a very interesting question and I will try to clarify a few issues to the best of my ability.
I have been brought up in a mainstream Christian church that basically taught us that you are not allowed to ask questions about the future (this includes angel readings, psychic readings, etc.) and that you should have faith in God. Now, there is nothing wrong with this teaching and the church is correct. In fact, the church is teaching you and me not to worry about tomorrow, live in the here and now and be grateful for what who have.
What I do have a problem with is the fact that people in spiritual professions outside the mainstream church doctrine is vilified. In some instances ministers even go as far to say that angel readings and other spiritual professions are of the devil (Yes, this actually does happen!). Herein lies the problem. It is statements like these that cause a lot of guilt and emotional anguish for those who have sought advice from angel readings.
Questioning and spiritual development forms the foundation of our faith. As you grow spiritually, you start to question your faith and you wonder how this "faith thing" all works. There is absolutely nothing wrong with questioning religious doctrines and philosophies. It is a completely natural and healthy part of spiritual and personal growth and development. If you don't question things and blindly accept a doctrine you have been taught, you are no different from the people in the dark ages.
In the dark ages the church did not want people to ask questions and they wanted to keep the mainstream population uneducated. Only the privileged few could study the bible and its teachings. Those who dared to ask questions and proposed alternative views to mainstream doctrine were burned at the stake!
Now, lets get to the real issue. I will answer the question by putting a few questions to you and then you can make up your own mind.
- Is it a sin to seek help and guidance from a counselor?
- Is it a sin to seek help and guidance from a psychologist?
- Is it a sin to seek help and guidance from your church minister?
If not, why then is it wrong to seek help and guidance from the angels who are messengers of God through an angel card reading? What is the difference?
All of the above-mentioned professions addresses behaviour. Our behaviour affects other people around us and our thought patterns deeply affects our state of mind and our health. These professionals help and guide us through difficult times in our lives so that we can "see the light at the end of the tunnel" again. They help us to gain perspective of our lives.
You might say "Yeh, but angel readings predict predict the future, besides they use cards and that is the problem"!
Think carefully about what you have said - the question/statement is saying that you believe that your future is set in stone and that you are not in control of your life and your destiny. It is saying that you have a very fatalistic approach to live.
I want you to remember the following:
- God has created us in His image
- We are the children of God
- God wants us to shine our light in the world and work towards peace
- God wants us to be happy
- We are able to think, speak and reason, that is why He gave us a brain!
- We have a choice of how we are going to react in all circumstances in our lives, right?
In a practical sense all the choices we make each day have either a positive or negative impact on ourselves or others. We sometimes make choices coming from our ego and not from a place of love. If a person for example make choices from the ego (not love), it may have a negative imact on a relationship, ending in separation. If that same person chose to act in love, give his/her partner unconditional love, etc this person effectively changed the outcome of the relationship, thereby influencing and changing their own future (staying together or divorce). Does this make sense? So did this person act in a sinful way because he/she made a choice about how they were going to treat their partner? Of course not!
- Angel readings are no different from any other profession that addresses behavioural issues.
- Angel messages are from God and the reader is merely a vessel that conveys the message to you in a simple format so that you can understand the guidance.
- Angel Intuitives and Angel Card Readers are lightworkers, that means that they work towards bringing love and peace (light) into world. They are not devil worshippers and don't practice black magic.
- Angel messages are given to you with love and without any judgment. We are all children of God and we are all equal before him.
- Angel readings does not predict your future. It assists you to make loving choices in your life that serves you.
- Angel readings respect your free will. Only you can have an impact on the future through the choices you make.
- The Angels also teaches you (just like the mainstream church doctrine) to live in the here and now, live in love, don't worry about tomorrow, have faith in God (Divine Will and Divine Timing), count your blessings and to forgive those who have wronged you in the past.
Food for thought, isn't it?
Love & Light
Posted by
Your Angels Say
9:30 AM
Labels: FAQ's
Friday, June 09, 2006
Thank You - Free Angel Card Reading Draw
Dear Readers
Thank you for all your entries for the May 2006 Free Angel Card Reading monthly Draw. For those who have sent me special notes and comments, please know that I appreciate them very much.
Please Note: You only have to enter once, as all entries are kept on file. If you have questions, comments or feedback about your angel readings, please share them! Send your feedback to info@yourangelssay.com or simply post a message.
Love & Light
Posted by
Your Angels Say
10:13 AM
Labels: Free Angel Reading Draw
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Little Sophie walks out of hospital
Burns survivor Sophie Delezio has walked out of hospital, almost five weeks after she was hit by a car on a Sydney pedestrian crossing.
Clutching her parents' hands, the beaming five-year-old was dressed in a pink fairy dress and held a small pink bag...so sweet!
Hugs & kisses from all the people in Australia, Sophie!
Posted by
Your Angels Say
8:00 PM
Labels: Prayers, sick children
Monday, June 05, 2006
How The Angels Can Clear Your Way While You Are Travelling
This past weekend I was once again reminded of the presence of angels and how they can assist us in our daily activities - not once, but 3 times!
Miracle Number One
Last Thursday morning I flew to Melbourne with the "red eye" flight (the early morning flight) to go and visit family. My husband had work to do in Sydney and he was going to meet my daughter and I in Melbourne Friday night after work.
It was such a rush to get our baby ready so early in the morning and make our way to the airport. We were just in time to check in and board. I still wanted to draw some money, but there was no time for that.
I usually ask for an isle seat so that I can walk around with my baby when she gets restless. As I walked up the steps at the back of the aircraft I realized that I never asked for the isle seat and as I stepped onto the aircraft the flight attendant read my boarding pass and said "your seat is a window seat to your right". My heart sank into my feet with disappointment. We sat down and as I took all the toys out of the baby bag, I said a silent prayer to ask Archangel Raphael to keep her calm during the flight.
Not long after I have said the prayer, there was an announcement that we were ready to leave and to my surprise we had two empty seats next to us! We had a lovely flight, my baby was calm and happily played on the empty seats next to us. We had the whole row to ourselves!
Miracle Number Two
When we got to Melbourne airport I collected the luggage and dragged it to seats close to the baggage collection area. As other mums would know, it is usually a big trek with a baby and I could barely mange all the luggage items, as I was carrying my baby. My suitcase kept on falling over each time we stopped and I knew that I had to get a trolley. I checked my purse to see if I had $3 change to get one, but to my disappointment I did not have enough money on me. I scanned the room for an ATM, but there was not one in sight! I would have had to drag all the stuff with me to another level to draw money and it was too difficult for me to do that.
I scanned the room and visually located all the trolley bays in the room. I was looking for an abandoned trolley that was not locked into the trolley bay. I cannot recall ever seeing an abandoned trolley in the arrivals area in Melbourne, but I looked anyway.
On the opposite side of the baggage collection area I saw a trolley in front of the trolley bay that was not locked in. I waited a minute or so to see if it belonged to somebody, but it didn't and at that moment I bolted across the room (leaving my luggage behind) to grab the trolley.
I was very grateful for this trolley and thanked my angels for providing it to me against all the odds of actually finding one that was not locked in. This was really a much needed miracle that morning.
Miracle Number Three
On our return to the Gold Coast the flight was very full and the airline we used does not use a seat allocation system. So you have to sit where you find empty seats. Despite the full flight we had an empty seat in our row. Our baby could crawl from my seat to my husband's seat and we had a peaceful journey home.
I don't believe that it was just pure luck or a coincidence - it happened three times in one weekend!
These small miracles happen to us on a regular basis and we have to be open to the possibility that it can happen to us. If not, they will go unnoticed, making us feel abandoned by Heaven, questioning God and whether He actually answers our prayers.
I thank my angels for clearing the way for us like this and for assisting us during every step of our journey.
Please write to me and let me know if you have had similar experiences. You can share your experiences with others by simply posting a message at the end of this message.
Love & Light
Posted by
Your Angels Say
6:50 PM
Labels: Small Miracles
May 2006 Free Angel Card Reading
The May Free Angel Card Reading goes to F of Ireland. Congratulations and may this reading bring many blessings to you!
Love & Light
Posted by
Your Angels Say
7:00 AM
Labels: Free Angel Reading Draw
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Free Angel Reading Monthly Draw
Well folks, it is the end of the month and today I will draw the name of the lucky person who will receive an Angel Reading to the value of $60!
I will be going away for a few days, but will be back on Monday to post the Daily Angel Messages.
Take care and talk to you again on Monday.
Love & Light
Posted by
Your Angels Say
8:00 AM
Labels: Free Angel Reading Draw
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Dangerous Chemicals in Popular Baby Products
I consider myself as an informed person and I have been aware of chemicals in personal care products for a while. I have been guided by my angels to systematically reduce the number of chemicals we use and consume on a daily basis. I am making progress, but my house is not completely chemical free yet. At least I have taken action and I am making progress.
Our diet has improved and we try really hard to avoid food with chemicals and preservatives, especially for our baby.
Our baby's first skin care products were of the best selling baby products on the market. I know that shampoo usually contains between 1 and 3 of the "bad" chemicals. I looked on the baby shampoo bottle for the ingredients and guess what? The manufacturer has a clever (or shall I call it sneaky) labeling system where you cannot read the ingredients list before you buy it. You have to use it first to see the ingredients list - the ingredients are on the back of the front label which means that you have to read it through the shampoo from the back, which is impossible.
I finally got the shampoo down to a level where I could read the ingredients list only to discover that the ingredients list was firstly in a very small font (very hard to read) and secondly, the bar code was strategically placed in front of the ingredients list (remember you are looking at the ingredients from the back of the bottle, as the ingredients are listed on the back of the front label of the bottle) and made the horrific discovery that this very popular baby shampoo is basically no different from yours or mine for that matter.
One of the main ingredients were Sodium Laureth Sulfate that is used in industrial cleaning products. Did you know that it may cause improper eye development in infants and young children, impaired hair growth, ulcers and cataracts? I didn't until I did a bit more research on the topic.
Now I feel guilty for exposing my baby to these and other risks associated with some of the chemicals in the baby products.
Needless to say, I threw out all the baby products and replaced it with certified organic products.
Before you buy any baby products, make sure you read the label first - if you cannot find it or cannot see it, it is not worth the risk - even if it is a popular brand. Opt for natural and certified organic products.
In the next few weeks I plan to write a blog with the common ingredients in baby products and the possible side effects of these products.
Please let me know if you have found a really good organic baby product.
I am not the only mum that feels this way and was glad to find another site called "Nature Moms" that also discussed this topic.
Love & Light
Posted by
Your Angels Say
12:59 PM
Labels: Dangerous Chemicals
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Burn Victim, Alexandra of Poland E-Mail a Hoax!
I mentioned in my previous blog that my detective mind could not put this matter to rest. Well, I did some digging on the Net and found an interesting website http://urbanlegends.about.com/library/bl_ola_kuczma.htm that talks about E-mail hoaxes and chain letters.
The Alexandra E-mail is a hoax based on a real life tragedy and has been around since 2005.
There was really a house fire in June 2005 in southern Poland that destroyed the home of Peter and Anna Kuczma that left their 14-month-old daughter, Aleksandra ("Alexandra" or "Olenka" or "Ola") Kuczma seriously burned and fighting for her life in a hospital burn ward.
There was media coverage about this incident, please refer to http://urbanlegends.about.com/library/bl_ola_kuczma.htm for more information. Unfortunately some of the articles are in Polish. According to David Emery of Urban Ledgends and Folklore, Ola is on the road to recovery but will require more surgery, and her parents have requested help from the public to meet the medical expenses.
If the story is true, why is it a hoax? According to David Emery, the E-mail is a hoax because of the false claim that for every time it is forwarded, Ola Kuczma's parents will receive 3 cents. He says that it is impossible, as the technology does not exist to do this type of thing.
This is not the only E-mail that is doing the rounds. So next time you receive one of these E-mails, don't feel bad when you click "delete". If you are unsure, just do a search on the Net or visit the site in this article.
That raises another question. What kind of person would start such an E-mail? Makes you wonder, doesn't it?
Love & Light
Posted by
Your Angels Say
3:19 PM
Labels: Email Hoax, Prayers, sick children
Forward E-mails to Assist Sick Children - Are they for real?
Burn Victim Alexandra of Poland
I received an E-mail this morning (attached below my message) that asked me to forward the email to others. Alexandra's parents will receive 3 cents for every forwarded message.
It is not the first time that I have received an E-mail like this one and I cannot help myself, but my detective mind has been turning over this issue the whole day.
Are these E-mails for real or is it a scam to get hold of E-mail addresses for spam? Does the parents really get 3 cents for every click? How do we know that this E-mail was not started by fraudsters? How does it work? How do they track it? How do we distinguish between real requests for help and fraudulent ones?
I would love to know the answer to these questions and I suspect many of you well meaning people out there would love to know too.
If you have any knowledge about these E-mails, please post a message in the comments section at the end of this blog.
And if you were wondering if I forwarded the E-mail....Yes, I did! I have a soft spot for children and I will keep on doing so until someone out there in the blogosphere lets me know that these E-mails are a scam.
Please let us know if you know anything about these E-mails, even if you just have limited information.
Love & Light
"Dear All,
Alexandra came out of a rigging fire alive, but now has to fight for her life and a normal future. She is 14 months old and she has burnt skin all over her body, damage facial bones (as a result of very high temperature). She does not have half of her face. She is in hospital in Krakow - Poland and one of the best specialist is looking after her. However she still has to go through many surgeries and then long rehab. Unfortunately her parents do not have any more money.
Therefore we are asking for your help. For each forwarded email her parents will get 3 cents. Please help them and forward that email to as many people as you can".
Posted by
Your Angels Say
2:58 PM
Labels: Email Hoax, Prayers, sick children
Friday, May 19, 2006
Blessings, Small but Powerful
We often talk about blessings and we usually think that it is something big, right? Well, not really and I will explain...
The other morning my baby was very cranky (it was nap time) and she was winging a lot. It was one of those mornings where she came up to me where I was sitting in front of my computer and she was just clinging onto my legs....I have these moments quite often and I am sure most mums would know exactly what I am talking about! It usually happens when you are desperately trying to finish a chore or something urgent.
I was checking my emails and in between all this winging I read an email from a client that said "thank you for your kind words". I don't know what I have said and where I have said it or which web pages this client visited, but this short message put a smile on my face and suddenly I had energy again to cope with all the winging. Little did my client or web visitor know that his/her words were a blessing for me too!
See! Blessings come our way in weird and wonderful ways. It does not have to be big material - in your face - blessings. Sometimes the subtle and unexpected ones are the ones we appreciate the most. We just have to be open to recognize and receive them.
Hope you all have a wonderful Friday!
Love & Light
Posted by
Your Angels Say
8:00 AM
Labels: Blessings, Small Miracles
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Sophie Comes Out of Coma
According to Sophie's doctors, she came out of her drug induced coma yesterday and smiled at her mother.
She is still in pain and doctors are slowly reducing her pain killers.
I am so happy for her and her family.
Bless this family.
Love & Light
Posted by
Your Angels Say
1:28 PM
Labels: Prayers, sick children
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Mothers Day
We Are Surrounded By Love
Happy Mothers Day to all the mums out there!
This morning my husband brought me coffee in bed with our little girl in his arms. She was holding a pink card in her hand and gave her mummy a big sloppy kiss! - she is only 9 months old. This was my first mothers day and I must admit, I loved being spoilt!
We went to the beach for afternoon tea and a young bloke and his mum or gran walked passed us. She was walking with a walking aid and he patiently walked beside her, just chatting. He must have taken her out for lunch - just the two of them. It was really sweet to see such kindness and love. We are surrounded by love, but sometimes we are too busy to notice.
I don't know these people, but bless them. I hope the mum or gran had a beautiful day.
Have you seen an act of kindness lately?
Love & Light
Posted by
Your Angels Say
6:37 PM
Labels: Mothers Day
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Angel Intuitive Course by Doreen Virtue, October 2006
Angel Intuitive (AI) Course, Sunshine Coast, Australia (13 - 15 October 2006)
Doreen Virtue is coming to Australia again this year and this time she is teaching at the Sunshine Coast (AI) and Sydney (advanced AI & ATP)!
For anyone wishing to explore a powerful path of spiritual development, becoming an Angel Intuitive is a wonderful, safe and healing journey that unlocks your ability to see, hear, and speak with the Angels.
During the 3-day course you will learn how to connect with your Angels and awaken your intuitive gifts. The course covers topics such as
- mediumship,
- how to give a professional Angel card reading,
- healing past life traumas and
- discovering your psychic and intuitive strengths.
Above all, AI will give you the information you need to fulfil your mission as a Powerful Lightworker, an agent for positive change in our world.
Please contact Hay House, Sydney for further information (0)2 9669 4299 or email info@hayhouse.com.au.
I have done this course and highly recommend it to anyone who has an interest in spiritual development.
Love & Light
Angel Picture Source & Credits:
Healing with the Angels Oracle Cards, Doreen Virtue, PhD (Copyright © by Doreen Virtue)
Published by Hay House, Inc, Carlsbad, California & Sydney Australia
Design: Jenny Richards
Friday, May 12, 2006
Sophie - A Little Better!
Sophie's condition is now listed as serious but stable, an improvement on the critical listing she'd had since last Friday's accident.
God bless this brave little soul!
Love & Light
Posted by
Your Angels Say
6:55 PM
Labels: Prayers, sick children
Family Awaits Sophie's Awakening
Sophie is still sedated and her condition remains stable. Her family is keeping a bedside vigil.
Our prayers are still with Sophie and her family.
Love & Light
Posted by
Your Angels Say
1:48 PM
Labels: Prayers, sick children
Advanced ATP/AI Course by Doreen Virtue
Advanced ATP / AI Course and Reunion Sydney, Australia - 20 - 22 October 2006
Due to overwhelming demand, Doreen Virtue Ph.D. will present an Angel Intuitive & Angel Therapy Practitioner Advanced Course for the very first time in Australia.
This Advanced Course is offered exclusively to certified Angel Intuitives (AIs) and Angel Therapy Practitioners (ATPs). Only graduates from these courses will have the opportunity to participate in this enlightening 3-day event.
Please contact Hay House, Sydney for further information at (02) 9669 4299 or email info@hayhouse.com.au
See you at the course!
Love & Light
Angel Picture Source & Credits:
Healing with the Angels Oracle Cards, Doreen Virtue, PhD (Copyright © by Doreen Virtue)
Published by Hay House, Inc, Carlsbad, California & Sydney Australia
Design: Jenny Richards
Monday, May 08, 2006
Update on Sophie's Condition
Sophie's condition is still cirtical, but stable. Our thoughts and prayers are still with her and her family.
Angel Picture Source & Credits:
Artist unknown
Posted by
Your Angels Say
6:57 PM
Labels: Prayers, sick children
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Little Sophie - Critical, but Stable
Update on Sophie Delezio's progress
Little Sophie's condition is still critical, but doctors don't expect her to face any surgery.
Our prayers have been answered and I have no doubt in my mind that our prayers contributed to her stabilized condition. The powerful combination of our prayers, the swift action of the helicopter rescue service team and the wonderful doctors at the Sydney Children's Hospital have all come together for our brave little Auzzie girl who has crept so deep into our hearts.
Sophie has a broken jaw, broken ribs and a shoulder bone bleeding around her left lung.
According to the New South Wales Opposition leader, Peter Debnam, the crossing is incredibly dangerous and needs fixing.
This crossing has a regular accident history and it is time that authorities take action and conduct a CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) audit on the pedestrian crossing. If local authorities don't have the necessary expertise, they should get consultants in to do the audit for them. Some local companies offer excellent CPTED training courses for police, council and government organisation staff. I have done one of these courses myself and it is an absolute must for the people responsible for the management of this pedestrian crossing.
My God bless each and every person who assisted Sophie thus far.
Angel Picture Source & Credits:
Artist unknown
Posted by
Your Angels Say
6:26 PM
Labels: Prayers, sick children
Friday, May 05, 2006
Sophie Delezio - Sydney, Australia
Please Pray for Sophie Delezio
Little Sophie is recovering from serious burns after a car crashed into her day care centre in 2003.
As a result of this accident she lost both feet, some fingers and suffered third-degree burns to 85 per cent of her body when she was trapped under the car that crashed into the Roundhouse Childcare Centre at Fairlight, in Sydney's north, on December 15, 2003.
Sadly, five-year-old Sophie's pram was struck by a car today while being pushed across a pedestrian crossing on Frenchs Forest Road in Seaforth, in Sydney's north. She is in a critical condition, on life support and her condition has not stabilised.
Sophie's distraught mother Carolyn has asked people to pray for her little girl as police rushed her into the emergency department earlier tonight.
Please light a candle and pray for little Sophie and her family.
Carolyn, may God and His healing angel, Archangel Raphael, be with Sophie and your family to bring about miraculous recovery and healing. I know that Archangel Raphael has put his wings around Sophie to comfort her in his green, gentle healing light.
Angel Picture Source & Credits:
Artist unkown
Posted by
Your Angels Say
8:50 PM
Labels: Prayers, sick children
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
The Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster
Birth Defects
I rarely watch TV on a Sunday night, but my husband and I decided to put our feet up on Sunday night and watch 60 Minutes. We did not actually know what the featured documentaries were going to be, so we just cuddled up to watch the whole show.
As you can guess from the title of this blog, there was a documentary about the 1986 Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster in Russia. It was just a normal documentary with the usual interviews and a visit to ground zero. It was the human suffering, especially those of the little children, that awakened a deep sense of love in me for these little souls I did not even know.
A nurse of one of the hospitals in a nearby town said that she has witnessed an increase in the premature birth rate of babies after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster and that many of these newborns have birth defects. During the short interview she was standing next to a newborn who was not expected to live much longer.
I felt so much love for this little baby I did not even know and wished that I could just cuddle him before he passes on...just so that he would know that he is loved in this life. I also wondered if these babies receive physical attention and if there is somebody that loves and cuddles them. They did not show the parents and I wondered if the parents were still around or if they have abandoned this innocent little soul.
The documentary then featured an under-resourced orphanage (not sure if it is an actual orphanage or type of care facility for children with physical and mental disabilities), a place that authorities are apparently trying to hide from the rest of world.
This orphanage could have been in Belarus, about 300 km from Chernobyl, but I am not 100% sure. I must admit, I did not pay much attention to names and other facts, as I was more focused on what I saw and the emotions it awakened in me. Anyway, the physical building itself needed a lot of TLC and there were Earth Angel volunteers from Ireland fixing up the building, volunteering their labor. These volunteers came to the aid of this orphanage at their own expense.
They also showed a little baby dying from severe Cerebral Palsy. At this stage I was in tears and overcome with emotion. I wondered if this little baby was given any medication for pain and again, I wondered where his parent's were. This baby was not only in need of medical attention, but lots love and cuddles. He looked so lonely...
There were also physically and mentally disabled children in a playroom. At first I focused on their physical disabilities, some were severely disabled. The interview drifted into the background as I watched the children play. Suddenly I was no longer focusing on their physical disabilities, but started to notice their angelic faces and beautiful blue eyes. Many of these children had blond hair and blue eyes...a coincidence...Maybe...Maybe not. All I know is that these little souls are pure and that they are God's children, regardless of their suffering.
That night I went to bed with these little children in my thoughts and prayers. I could see them when I closed my eyes...those blue eyes. As I drifted off to sleep, I felt a deep sense of gratitude for our own perfectly healthy and normal baby and I thanked God for sending her to us.
Currently there is so much we don't know about the impact of this nuclear disaster on the health of the people in the surrounding areas and the environment. There is a lot of speculation and political agendas stand in the way of proper and reliable research. All I know that it must have had a severe impact on the health of locals and maybe in the years to come the truth will be revealed. In the meantime we can help by praying for the innocent children and families living in the affected areas.
Did you see the documentary? Your thoughts on this issue will be appreciated. (Please do not get into the political side of this issue. Try to focus on the purpose of the blog - healing, positive, loving thoughts and contributions)
Love and Light
Angel Picture Source & Credits:
Healing with the Angels Oracle Cards, Doreen Virtue, PhD (Copyright © by Doreen Virtue)
Published by Hay House, Inc, Carlsbad, California & Sydney Australia
Design: Jenny Richards
Posted by
Your Angels Say
10:25 AM
Labels: sick children
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
How Do I Subscribe to the RSS Feed of Your Angels Say?
What is a RSS Feed?
First of all, I just want to make it clear that I am not a technical boffin, so I am going to try and explain in a nutshell what a RSS feed is, what the benefits are and how you can set yourself up to receive RSS feeds, including the feed for my blog. I will also provide you with a good link so that you can read more about RSS feeds, should you be interested in the more technical bits.
RSS is a web feed based on a code called XML. It allows you to pull fresh information from an unlimited number of web sites to a single location, e.g. your My Yahoo or My MSN. The RSS feeds you subscribed to are delivered to for example your My Yahoo or My MSN. My Yahoo, My MSN and others are called "readers" or "aggregators".
You can sign up for multiple RSS feeds from your favourite web sites and when these sites add new content to their sites, the information is automatically delivered to your preferred reader - all in one place! This means that can read the latest information from your favourite sites with headline news of your favourite newspapers on a daily basis. This will save you heaps of time browsing the Internet. I use My Yahoo and My MSN as readers, but there many others to choose from.
Subscribing to Your Angels Say is easy!
Now that you more or less know what a RSS feed is, you can try it out by subscribing to the RSS feed of Your Angels Say!
Look for the orange icon in the right side bar and just click on it. This is a link that will allow you to subscribe to my blog feed through your preferred RSS reader. Another page will open where you can select the RSS reader of your choice, e.g. My Yahoo, Google Reader, etc.
If your reader is not listed, it is just as easy to open a free account with the listed readers. You will notice that many other web pages list multiple readers in the side bar, but I have chosen this simple one button layout - the same thing, but more tidy in appearance.
If you would like to know more about RSS feeds you can visit the following blog:
Derek Gehl, The Candid Internet Marketer: RSS: Not just for "techies" anymore!:
Enjoy the RSS feeds!
Angel Picture Source &Credits:
Healing with the Angels Oracle Cards, Doreen Virtue, PhD (Copyright © by Doreen Virtue)
Published by Hay House, Inc, Carlsbad, California & Sydney Australia
Design: Jenny Richards
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Divine Guidance and Prayer
Divine Guidance to Pray for Others
I have just put my baby down for her morning nap and was doing an Internet search on RSS feeds. Whilst looking for this technical information I stumbled upon Janne's Homeschool Blogger and was side tracked for about an hour.
As I scrolled down Janne's home page I saw a heading Children in Need of Prayer and under it photographs of children. At the bottom of the photographs I spotted a link called Suffering Childrens Prayer Network and I instinctively clicked on this link.
The first thing I saw when this page opened, was the face of a beautiful little baby Girl and text April 4th, 2006 - with Jesus. I was overcome with emotion because I realised straight away that this little girl has passed on and that she was in the arms of Jesus. It took me a while to process what has just happened to me. The one minute I was doing a very technical bit of work and the next minute I was in tears. Weird, but an excellent example of Divine guidance.
I strongly believe that God and his angels have guided me to these sites for a reason. I still don't fully understand the reason, but what I do know is that God wants me to pray for the parents of little Gracie, Eric and Holly. As a mum, my heart and prayers go out to these 2 people today.
If you have been guided to read this article, please pray for Eric and Holly and send them lots of love and healing light.
Love and Light,
Posted by
Your Angels Say
10:26 AM
Labels: Divine Guidance, sick children
My Profile and Background
Good Morning!
This morning I would like to introduce myself and get all the formalities out of the way. This way you will know a little more about my background when I post discussion blogs.
My name is Victoria and I am a qualified Anthropologist, personal development/leadership coach and facilitator with an interest in religious anthropology, specifically the use of divination and oracles in a cross-cultural context. I incorporate personal development/leadership into my spiritual practice as an Angel Intuitive (trained by Doreen Virtue, PHD) and believe that people of all cultures have an inborn need to know
- who they are
- why they were born and
- how they fit into the world.
I bring a rich practical background of 15 years work experience in law enforcement and the experience of my soul path to my work as an Angel Intuitive, personal development facilitator/coach and healer. My professional background in non-profit and public organizations include the following:
- Child Sexual Offences Investigator, specializing in child rape and indecent assault investigations;
- child sexual offences research;
- profiling of child rapists;
- trauma debriefing for victims of armed robbery;
- youth crime and domestic violence research;
- profiling of domestic violence offenders;
- tactical, strategic and general crime research;
- community crime prevention;
- misconduct prevention
- strategic analyst and
- strategy development and implementation.
As a police Captain I witnessed unspeakable acts of violence against men, women and children of all cultures, extreme poverty and the related suffering it created for individuals and families. In this daily negative environment I also witnessed the power of forgiveness, choice, healing, personal transformation and the sheer determination of some victims to overcome their trauma. Some rape victims and their families remained "victims" for the rest of their lives, while others found some meaning in the experience and moved on to become successful and productive people, leading meaningful lives.
In searching for a way to understand this polarity in the personal outcomes for victims, I took up the study of personal development, the human energy system and metaphysical concepts.
As an Angel Intuitive, I now offer an online Angel card reading service to my clients. My clients select card decks they feel comfortable with and this range include various angel, goddess and shamanic oracles. To view the full list, please visit my site.
You are welcome to subscribe to my RSS feed to stay in touch with the latest discussions on "Your Angels Say", but more about the RSS feed in another blog.
Love & Light
MA (Anthr), MPhil (PPL)
Monday, April 10, 2006
Welcome to "Your Angels Say" Official Blog
Thanks for stopping by to visit Your Angels Say. I am a certified Angel Intuitive, trained by Doreen Virtue, PhD. This is my online journal and also the official blog for my business "Your Angels Say".
The main purpose of this blog is to:
- share thoughts, insights, stories, inspirations and tidbits to help you on your spiritual journey through life and to
- create a sense of community with other Angel Intuitives, Angel Therapy Practitioners, Spiritual Healers, Personal Development and Personal Leadership Coaches and those of you who have an interest in Angels and mysticism.
In my next blog I will tell you more about myself and that should be the end of the formalities!
I look forward to learn and grow with you all.
God bless