Monday, April 10, 2006

Welcome to "Your Angels Say" Official Blog

Thanks for stopping by to visit Your Angels Say. I am a certified Angel Intuitive, trained by Doreen Virtue, PhD. This is my online journal and also the official blog for my business "Your Angels Say".

The main purpose of this blog is to:

  • share thoughts, insights, stories, inspirations and tidbits to help you on your spiritual journey through life and to
  • create a sense of community with other Angel Intuitives, Angel Therapy Practitioners, Spiritual Healers, Personal Development and Personal Leadership Coaches and those of you who have an interest in Angels and mysticism.
I wil post information whenever I am guided by to do so and I encourage you to join in the discussions that may result from some of these posts.

In my next blog I will tell you more about myself and that should be the end of the formalities!

I look forward to learn and grow with you all.

God bless
