A while ago I had an awful Director at work who bullied, harassed and threatened her staff individually when nobody else was around. This included swearing and throwing their work on the floor. She had a very professional external front, but what external clients saw and what we saw were two different people.
She lied and twisted the truth to escape all responsibility for her actions and decisions. She was never to blame, it was always somebody else’s fault.She also played the divide and concor game that bred an environment of mistrust in our office. In such an environment her “enemies” or “victims” were less likely to complain or tell others about their experiences. It worked for 16 months…
During this time I read an article about the power of 3 - a divine number and how people have successfully used incantations to get rid of bosses like this in the workplace. The number 3 is the number of “growth and progress” and will carry out your intentions, incantations and invocations far quicker than a single invocation. I had a very bad experience with this deceitful Director and thought I would try it…I had nothing to loose.
I breathed deeply one night and in a meditative state I used the following incantation to affirm that this Director had no power over me:
“By the power of Three Times Three (infinitive), you have no power over me”. I repeated this several times until I intuitively knew it was time to stop. I then wrote her name and job title on a piece of paper and put it in my freezer. As I was writing her name and placing the piece of paper into the freezer, I repeated the incantation and closed the freezer. I combined the incantation with a ritual to make it stronger. Also, I did not state how I wanted it resolved…all I wanted to affirm is that this person had no power over me and therefore could not harm me.
That is all that I wanted at that time. That is why I symbolically froze her - she was symbolically dead to me - frozen so that she could not harm me anymore.
Shortly after this I went on extended sick leave and reported the Director’s conduct. I was not afraid and knew that it was going to be a long and difficult journey for me. At that time I thought that the investigations would take a few months. Little did I know that the journey would be over 8 months!
This whole palava effected our family financially and one night I asked God and the Angels to resolve this situation, as my money was drying up fast and I was starting to go into debt. I actually demanded a resolution. We are sometimes called to act on behalf of others or for a cause - to do what is right. I did what I was asked to do and yet I felt abandoned by God and lonely in this whole experience. It wasn’t an easy task I was given by Heaven. I basically said: “I did what You asked, I reported this matter to stop the suffering in that office and now You have to do something about my finances. Now I need You to help me too! Please resolve this matter immediately”. I was adamant and had no doubt in my mind that this is a two way process and that is why I asked for a quick resolution. Somewhere during this intense dialogue with God I drifted off to sleep.
The next day I got a text message from one of the bullying victims, who have since resigned, to say that my Director was fired on the spot at work! Can you believe it! It is absolutely amazing. That meant that I could return to work, earn money and resume my life again. It also meant that others, who were too afraid to admit that they were bullied, could now relax and work in a hopefully normal work environment.
My prayer was answered over night. Heaven hears our prayers, even though we sometimes feel alone and abandoned by God. Keep praying and believe that God will answer your prayers. Prayers are answered by Divine timing and everything does not always happen when we want to happen. My situation took 8 months to resolve, but the main thing is that it was resolved and by Divine timing.
Have faith in difficult situations and don’t worry about how things would be resolved. Let Heaven sort out the how. Our job is to have faith and let Heaven take the driving seat.
Lots of love
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Answered Prayers
Posted by
Your Angels Say
1:13 PM
Labels: Answered Prayers